52词语>英语词典>belt out翻译和用法

belt out

英 [belt aʊt]

美 [belt aʊt]

大声唱; 大声演奏


  • PHRASAL VERB 大声唱;大声演奏
    If youbelt outa song, you sing or play it very loudly.
    1. He held a three-hour family Karaoke session in his hotel, belting out Sinatra and Beatles hits.



  • sing loudly and forcefully


    • On the list was using a cell phone, not wearing a seat belt, throwing trash out of windows and overusing the car horn.
    • Her husband, too, has quite a voice, a friend said, loving to belt out Malay songs.
    • The disquisitive methods in this article is that AC Servo-System drive is used instead of the traditional drive mode consisting of the main motor, the gears and the belt, then carried out the timing drive through multi-motors.
    • You then hear me unbuckle my belt and slip it out of the loops on the waistband of my suit trousers.
    • It adopt image recovering, image enhancing, image transform and image splitting etc to process those images of conveyor belt. We find out the distinguishing method of steel cord broken off, steel cord rusting or steel cord dislocation.
    • Materials enter the annular feed hopper and are conveyed to the roller at the head part by the conveying belt, thrown out and stacked on the ground;
    • The method and the character of microfacies classification of fan-top main trough of favorable facies belt were pointed out. Relationship between favorable sedimentary microfacies belt and oil-bearing state was analyzed. It provides reliable geological basis for rational selecting exploitation decision-making and improving oilfield development effect.
    • His voice spans three octaves, he can really belt it out and bring a song to life.
    • She also has bizarre episodes-roughly once a month-where she will belt out pop songs at the top of her voice, walk around naked and have ghostly hallucinations while she sleeps.
    • And singing gets your blood pumping due to the deep breaths you take to belt out a tune which elevates mood.